
With Gerald, it was love at first sight. Yep. He tore through the airport at warp speed in tiny cowboy boots, his weary mom trailing behind, issuing useless threats. When she finally caught him, he laughed out loud, knowing it was just the beginning of a long day of races he was destined to win. Gerald was unceremoniously plopped in a chair, where he continuously placed his juice cup in and out of the drink holder. He sang quietly to himself until his mom attempted to converse with someone or got a phone call. Then, he would sing at the top of his lungs. “Shhhh!!!!,” his mom would admonish, but Gerald never shushed until she did. Gerald was beautiful, with lots of curly blonde hair, creating a halo effect, but Gerald was no angel. He said, “Hi!” over and over, flashing a beatific smile, as he raced behind your chair, under your chair and even over your chair. Some glared, but most laughed, because Gerald’s laugh was infectious. As luck would have it, Gerald sat in the seat in front of me on the plane, making airplane noises and counting at the top of his voice, “One, two, seven, ninety three!!!” “No, Gerald. That makes no sense. It’s one, two, three, four…..” his mom tried. But, it all made perfect sense to Gerald. Occasionally, he would reach his hand back to my seat and his mom would threaten him, “Stop it, Gerald, or I’ll take your juice away.” I just smiled, remembering how this was my life exactly, many years ago. At the time, I wondered if I’d live through it. Now, I kinda miss the whole thing. Yep. Little boys….they grow up pretty fast.


Down With Purple


Just Say No